Mother City Queer Party
In our 17th Year!! MCQP initially started as a themed Costume Party event in 1994 to celebrate the birth of South Africa’s new constitution and its acknowledgment of gay rights. Since then the MCQP concept has grown to become a national and international cultural phenomenon. The Costume Party was, and still is, the flagship MCQP ‘project’ around which other projects, events and activities have been conceptualised. The themed Costume Party is the climax of months of MCQP activity and awareness, and in 16 years consistent years, it has grown to become what is commonly known as ‘Africa’s biggest queer bash’.
The first party in 1994 set the standard for the best and most interesting costumes seen at a single event – ranging from over-the-top store bought creations, to fabulous hand-made masterpieces. And since you had to attend in a ‘team’ of two or more matching costumes, the MCQP Costume Party became an instant cultural and visual spectacle. Co-ordinating your ‘team’ and conceptualising the costumes is a large part of the cultural phenomenon that grips Cape Town for weeks and months prior to the party. The Costume Party, and the preparations that each of the 1000’s of people who attend experience, have become institutions within Cape Town party culture. And of course the mere scale of the event has set it apart from other South African parties and has seen it be compared to international events in Sydney, London and San Francisco.
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