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Total Results Found: 3
- South African College of Music Concerts
The South African College of Music, founded by a group of musicians led by Madame Apolline Niay-Darroll, opened in 1910 in Strand Street, Cape Town, with six students. In 1912 Mr W.H. Bell was appointed Principal and, in 1914, the SACM moved to larger premises in Stal Plein.
- The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra
"The Cape Philharmonic Orchestra is arguably the most versatile and active orchestra on the continent of Africa and contributes handsomely in making Cape Town part of a global culture."
- The Cape Town Concert Series
Today, as one of South Africa's leading and most prestigious chamber music organisations, the Cape Town Concert Series provides a platform where the finest South African talents from all sections of our country's diverse communities are presented alongside the best on offer from the international community.